It all began in 2018, the year I had to deal with a lot of lemons one after the other. On my way back to Delhi (where I've been pursuing my studies) after a semester break, I made sure to carry along a stash of old embroidery floss and hoops that belonged to my mother who herself indulged in creative pursuits from time to time. That semester break, I had spent most of my time picking up old interests like painting. I knew little embroidery which I had learnt as a kid. Pinterest introduced me to this fascinating world of embroidery hoop art and I simply got creating.
I often get asked - have you always wanted to sell your art?
I took up embroidery purely for the joy of doing it. My initial projects were hoops made for my friends' birthdays. I used to post my projects on my personal Instagram page. Towards the end of 2018, I happened to attend a workshop hosted by Etsy in Delhi after which I was convinced to start an Etsy shop. I was yet not sure what to put up there and hence was not active ( I did not make a sale until a year later - more on that later)
By January 2019, I started a separate Instagram page @hoopables because I KNEW I was going to be doing a lot more of this and wanted to have all of my works in one place. Little did I know there would be so many people appreciating my work and wanting to keep it for themselves or even gift it.
2.5 years later, we now have our own website (yay). and Hoopables has grown to offer online workshops and supplies too.
Why this blog?
This was something that was on my list of 5632 things I wanted to do but couldn't for so many reasons. Also, if you've been following me on Instagram, you already know this - I keep sharing bits and pieces of my oh-so-messy life and how I am managing (?) my small business. If you're an OG, you'd also know how the FAQ guide isn't quite working for me. I hope this blog serves as a platform where I could answer at least few of the manyy frequently asked (and answered) questions about what I do or anything I am capable of answering while having it all in one place.
I am extremely grateful for the support and love you have shown throughout my journey. I hope you find some value here.